San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

Lawn Care: Unexpected Advantages of Allowing Your Grass to Grow Long

The Surprising Advantages of Having Long Grass

Although freshly cut lawns are attractive to look at, they are not the best for the environment. Mowing over native grasses and wildflowers decreases the nectar available to pollinators and emit gases that contribute to air pollution. Let your grass grow a bit longer, forgo the pesticide, and resolve to mow less frequently rather than maintaining an every-other-week mowing plan. Start by stopping at a tiny part or problematic region of the landscape if you aren’t yet ready to entirely abandon your mowing routine. It will benefit the nearby plants and animals and provide you with a preview of what your entire yard will look like after mowing less. Here are the perks you can have in letting your grass grow long, according to lawn care experts.

Prevent Pests

Although Shasta daisies and rock cress are well renowned for their ability to thrive, part of their power may derive from the beneficial insects they attract. Ladybugs and lacewings are beneficial insects that help control pest populations and prevent a parasite catastrophe in your garden. You can gain two advantages from planting the same flowers since many of the species that draw helpful insects also draw pollinators.

Use Less Gas

Everyone has heard of the air pollution caused by vehicles, animals, and factories, but have you ever considered the long-term effects of operating your mower every week? Many models’ exhausts produce many of the same gases that automobiles do since they run on gas. Additionally damaging to your soil and plants is the leaky gas while filling up the tank. It’s as simple as cutting back on your lawn mowing. Alternatively, go with a battery-powered one that is cleaner and more environmentally friendly.

Conserve Water

Reduce the amount of water required to maintain a lush, vibrant landscape by using drought-tolerant and native plants. It seems to make sense that meadows exist naturally and rely only on dew and moisture to survive. When it’s dry, try merely giving your grass a little water; otherwise, let nature take its course.

If you are looking for the best lawn care service in San Juan Capistrano, CA, you can go wrong in choosing Ramos Gardens as your contractor. Call us now at (949) 374-1636 to book an appointment with us.

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